Insomnia? How to achieve the perfect night’s sleep this Christmas
Struggling with sleep deprivation or insomnia? Wellbeing Activist and Humanitarian Dr Lola Tillyaeva reveals how to achieve the perfect night's sleep The post Insomnia? How to achieve the perfect night’s sleep this Christmas appeared first on Healthista.

Struggling with sleep deprivation or insomnia? Wellbeing Activist, Entrepreneur, Author, and Humanitarian Dr Lola Tillyaeva reveals how to achieve the perfect night’s sleep
Until the 1920s, scientists believed that when we sleep, our brains shut down.
It was only when researchers began to measure brain electricity using scalp sensors – what’s known as an electroencephalogram or EEG – that it became clear that the brain is far from passive or inactive during sleep.
Today, we know much more about all that our brains and our bodies accomplish while we sleep.
Good sleep habits are critical both for our present and long-term physical health as well as our mental and emotional well-being.
Whatever your life stage, if your sleep is disrupted or you suffer from insomnia, some reliable tools that may help improve your sleep patterns include:
Practise deep breathing, meditation or other relaxation techniques just before bedtime
Avoid caffeine after 2pm and remember that alcohol is the enemy of good sleep
Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, to instil a good sleep rhythm
Keep your bedroom temperature between 18-22 degrees Celsius: warmer temperatures can interfere with your body’s ability to achieve deeper, more consistent sleep
Switch off all screens 60-90 minutes before bedtime: the blue light interferes with your biological clock and circadian rhythms that regulate sleep.
The post Insomnia? How to achieve the perfect night’s sleep this Christmas appeared first on Healthista.