Shocking Marriage Rituals: Strange Traditions Still Practiced in Some Countries

Marriage customs vary across cultures, but some traditions seem almost unbelievable.

Shocking Marriage Rituals: Strange Traditions Still Practiced in Some Countries

Marriage customs vary across cultures, but some traditions seem almost unbelievable. Here are three shocking and unusual rituals that are still practiced in certain parts of the world:

Crying Marriage – China
In China's Sichuan Province, the Tujia people follow an unusual pre-wedding tradition called Zuo Tang. Brides must cry every night for a month before their wedding. This act symbolizes their sorrow of leaving their family and is considered essential for a successful marriage. If the bride refuses to cry, her mother may even force her to do so by beating her.

Bride Kidnapping – Romania
Among the Romani people in Romania, an ancient custom allows men to kidnap a woman for marriage. If a man successfully keeps a woman captive for three to five days, he is legally allowed to marry her. Despite its controversial nature, this practice continues in some rural regions.

Force Feeding – Mauritania
In some regions of Mauritania (West Africa), obesity is linked to beauty and prosperity in marriage. Young girls are force-fed up to 16,000 calories a day to ensure they gain enough weight before their wedding. This practice, called "Leblouh," is seen as a way to secure a successful marriage, but it has severe health consequences.

Beating Sessions — Brazil
The menstrual rituals in Uapés, Brazil involve naked women being taken out into the streets and beaten until they die or lose consciousness. This brutal ritual is considered a test for marriage. If the girls wake up after this inhumane treatment, they are considered eligible for marriage.

While these traditions may seem outdated and even harmful, they persist in some cultures, sparking debates on women's rights and societal norms.