Alarming Survey Reveals Indian Concerns About Climate Change

A new survey by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and Centre for Voting and Democracy (CVoter) reveals a very high level of concern about climate change in India.

Alarming Survey Reveals Indian Concerns About Climate Change

A new survey by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and Centre for Voting and Democracy (CVoter) reveals a very high level of concern about climate change in India.

Key Findings:

  • Threat of Climate Change: Over 9 out of 10 Indians (91%) believe global warming is a major threat to India. 71% report already feeling its effects through changing weather patterns, more extreme weather events, and water scarcity.
  • Demand for Action: 78% believe the Indian government needs to do more to address climate change. 84% support restrictions on coal-fired power plants and a shift to renewable energy sources.
  • Economic Impact: 61% are concerned that a switch to renewable energy sources could lead to increased unemployment in India. Additionally, 58% fear it could cause power cuts and 57% worry it might raise electricity prices.
  • Social Impact: A surprising 33% of Indians say they have no friends or relatives they can rely on for help in difficult times.

Additional Observations:

  • Over half (53%) believe people in India are already being harmed by global warming.
  • A strong majority (61%) say India should increase its use of renewable energy sources, while only 14% believe the country should use more fossil fuels.
  • 84% believe human activity is the primary cause of global warming.
  • The survey is based on responses from 2,178 people across India, representing a variety of age groups and socio-economic backgrounds.

This survey highlights the growing awareness and concern about climate change in India. It serves as a call to action for governments and policymakers to take concrete steps to address climate change and mitigate its impacts.