The US Air force Just Admitted They Have Technology That Shouldn’t Exist!

The US Air force Just Admitted They Have Technology That Shouldn’t Exist!

From the weapons they carry to the missiles that fly over their heads, the US military is changing from the ground up. Soldiers will be equipped with 24 new weapons and other fighting systems by the end of 2023, either as prototypes or fully operational equipment. The two dozen systems that are presently or will soon be deployed form the backbone of the Army's plans to totally update the weapons and equipment it employs in practically every area of combat by 2030. However, the US Air Force is not far behind. The Air Force has always pushed the limits of what is possible in aviation, and its latest advancement is no exception. The United States Air Force has admitted to developing a weapon capable of annihilating everything. So come along with us as we unravel the latest and most complex invention of the United States Air Force. In July last year, US senators asked the military to speed up efforts to develop Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). High beam laser weapons have been tested at an unprecedented rate by the US defense industrial complex in collaboration with the military. Lockheed Martin, the world's largest defense contractor, recently announced that it had delivered a 300-kilowatt laser to the Defense Department for use in future Army high-energy laser demonstrations. It is the most powerful laser ever built for the US Department of Defense. The laser was built by Lockheed Martin as part of the Pentagon's High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative (HELSI), which aims to extend the directed energy industrial base and improve laser beam caliber.