Miranda Cosgrove Admits She Hasn’t ‘Broken’ Away From ‘iCarly’ Image in New ‘Bustle’ Photo Shoot

While speaking with 'Bustle,' the Nickelodeon alum posed for the cover and acknowledged how her famous character impacted her public image.

Miranda Cosgrove Admits She Hasn’t ‘Broken’ Away From ‘iCarly’ Image in New ‘Bustle’ Photo Shoot

Miranda Cosgrove is known for having a clean-cut public persona — no scandals, breakups or anything else that celebrities have had to navigate in the public eye. Before she turns 31 this month, Miranda explained to Bustle how her drama-free image is connected to her famous Nickelodeon show, iCarly.

“In some ways, I haven’t really completely broken out of playing [Carly],” she said in the interview that was published on Friday, May 10. “A lot of people think that that’s exactly what I’m like.” As the publication pointed out, iCarly fans don’t need to give up hope on their favorite show. Miranda recently expressed that she’d like to give the series a proper ending with a movie.

One of the most memorable — and viral — moments from Miranda’s career was when she said on camera that her favorite curse word is “f**k,” igniting a firestorm on the internet. As a result, many fans are convinced that she’s the same “good girl” type of person that Carly Shay is. However, Miranda doesn’t “mind” her reputation “as much” as she did when she was younger.

“Now that I’m older, I don’t mind as much,” she told the publication. “But there’s still a little part of me that’s like, ‘It’d be nice if people could see me in a different light.'”