Google Launches Earthquake Alert System in India to Help Save Lives
Google launched an earthquake alert system in India on Wednesday that can help people with Android smartphones get to safety when a quake begins.

The system uses sensors in Android phones to detect and estimate earthquakes, and sends alerts to nearby phones seconds before severe shaking does.
The alerts are designed to be easy to read and follow, and are available in Indian languages supported by Android. To receive alerts, users must have Wi-Fi and/or cellular data connectivity, and both Android earthquake alerts and location settings enabled. Users who do not wish to receive alerts can turn them off in device settings.
The system is a supplemental service and may not send alerts for all events. However, it can provide valuable early warning that can help people save their lives.
How it works
The earthquake alert system uses the accelerometer sensors in Android phones to detect ground shaking. When a phone detects shaking that may be caused by an earthquake, it sends a signal to Google's earthquake detection server. The server then combines information from many phones to determine if an earthquake is happening and, if so, to estimate its location and magnitude.
If the server determines that an earthquake is happening, it sends alerts to nearby phones. The alerts include information about the estimated location and magnitude of the earthquake, as well as the expected intensity of shaking in the user's area.
How to get alerts
To receive earthquake alerts, users must have Wi-Fi and/or cellular data connectivity, and both Android earthquake alerts and location settings enabled. To enable earthquake alerts, go to Settings > Location > Advanced > Earthquake alerts.
What to do if you receive an alert
If you receive an earthquake alert, drop, cover, and hold on until the shaking stops. If you are indoors, go to a safe place under a sturdy table or desk. If you are outdoors, find an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines.
The earthquake alert system is a valuable tool that can help people save their lives in the event of an earthquake. By enabling earthquake alerts on your Android phone, you can receive early warning that can give you time to get to safety.