Ransomware Attacks in Europe Targeting 2-Year-Old Computer Bug, Say Cybersecurity Agencies Amid Internet Outage

The Italian premier’s office said Sunday night the attacks affecting computer systems in the country involved “ransomware already in circulation" in a product made by cloud technology provider VMware. Palo Alto, California-based VMware fixed the bug back in February 2021 but the attacks are targeting older, unpatched versions of the product.

Ransomware Attacks in Europe Targeting 2-Year-Old Computer Bug, Say Cybersecurity Agencies Amid Internet Outage
The Italian premier’s office said Sunday night the attacks affecting computer systems in the country involved “ransomware already in circulation" in a product made by cloud technology provider VMware. Palo Alto, California-based VMware fixed the bug back in February 2021 but the attacks are targeting older, unpatched versions of the product.