Madhya Pradesh Police Survey: 78% Dissatisfied, Report Removed

Madhya Pradesh Police Survey: 78% Dissatisfied, Report Removed

Bhopal, July 9th: A survey conducted by Madhya Pradesh Police on social media has revealed a shocking result. In the survey, 78% of respondents said they were dissatisfied with the police in their area.

The survey was conducted on a social media platform, asking people "Are you satisfied with the police in your area?" According to the report, only 22% of respondents answered yes, while a significant 78% expressed dissatisfaction.

The report was posted on the police department's social media account on Monday, but it was removed shortly afterwards.

ADG (Law & Order) Jaideep Prasad clarified to the media that it was incorrect data and has been removed. He stated that the police department was conducting a survey, but due to a technical glitch, the wrong data was posted.

This incident is a major setback for the police department. The survey results suggest a decline in public trust towards the police.

Sources reveal that the survey also included complaints from respondents regarding police functioning, issues of bribery, and slow response to crimes.

This incident serves as a wake-up call for the police department. They must now take concrete steps to address public concerns and improve their image.